This fall, my son's class completed a unit on fire safety. Something about the way the information was presented created a very deep fear in him. He was fearful at bedtime, unsure of what would happen if a fire broke out in our home while he slept. He didn't want to take a shower because he might be trapped if the house caught on fire while he slept.
As I struggled to figure out how I could help him through this very difficult time, I remembered him earlier asking me what the Bible meant when it said, "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove ; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." (Matthew 17:20). How could he or any person for that matter, move a mountain? We live in the Pacific Northwest. He knows how big mountains are.
When I picked my son up from school that day, we talked about mountains and mustard seeds. I explained how his fear was his mountain and how small mustard seed was and how that was all the faith it would take to move that mountain of fear.
Together that day as we drove to the baby sitter's, we claimed that promise! Today that mountain is barely a mole-hill and my son's faith has grown as he learned the power of a mustard seed!
Picture courtesy of http://cacina.wordpress.com/2009/08/08/carry-the-gospel-with-you-249/
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